Today's theme is Primorska region, which is one of the regions of Slovenia in the term of geographical definition. In English it is also said Slovenian Littoral, but here I write Primorska region.
Primorska Region
Primorska region is the same name as a term of historical region, however its territories is different from the historical one.
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Look at the map. Primorska region is separated orange and yellow part. Yellow part calls flysch region, whie orange part is karst region. Flysch is a geological wide stratum, which is created by depositing impermeable sandstones. It is often seen in European alps region.
As an article of Dinarska region, karst region is created impermeable rocks and limestones.
As an article of Dinarska region, karst region is created impermeable rocks and limestones.
So lets check the climate of Primoska region.
Climate of Primorska region is different from inner Slovenian region. First of all there is warm climate. There are many sunny day in that region. Therefore, it suits for fruit farming and tourism. The climate is similar for mediterranean climate, but it is not totally same, because there is lot of precipitation in autumn season.
Slovenia has lot of rainy days, so Primorska region's climate looks like wonderful, but it is not perfect. The problem is really strong wind, which calls burja. Burja is cold and strong wind, which comes from Visoke dinarske planet to lower part of Primorska region.
Slovenia has lot of rainy days, so Primorska region's climate looks like wonderful, but it is not perfect. The problem is really strong wind, which calls burja. Burja is cold and strong wind, which comes from Visoke dinarske planet to lower part of Primorska region.
Sometime Burja's speed becomes 200km per hour. Needless to say it is dangerous and it is uncomfortable for winter season. It is possible that car overturns, olive trees break, and roof will be disappeared. Some of household put many stones on the roofs.
Compare to other Slovenian region, people started to live in Primorska region from long time years ago. Unfortunately, however it became less populated and less space for live in suburb area and hilly area. Depopulation and ageing population are growing, but it has happened from 100 years ago. Nova Gorica and coast region have enough territories for living and high number of population.Economy
After the second world war, industory, turisem and port Luka Koper developed. Gorizia, (Slovenian people calls Stara Gorica) is now Italian town, but it was Slovenian town before the Second Word War. However after the war, Gorizia became Italian territory, and new border was built in Nova Gorica. In Koper also, new border was built. During the ex -Yugoslavian era, Koper and Nova Gorica were understood as the most opened towns, which connected socialist country to capitalist country. And then towns became also developed and lively. Many Italians visited Slovenia, and some shops, gas stands and reactants were built in border towns.
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3. Koper |
Primorska has warm place, thus fruit farming, wine making, and gardening are popular. There are less flat lands, thus Vipavska Dolina is an important place for farming. Not only industrial business, but also the service business is active in Nova Gorica and coastal region. Fish industry and salt pan are also developed in coastal region.
Feature of Flysh Region
Flysh region is created by depositing imperameable small stones, so soil does not flows out and later becomes fertile ground. Agriculture is more active than Karst region. There are various features in Flysh region. The region divides into Koprsko primorje, Gorška brda, Gorška raven, and Vipavska dolina.
Koprsko primorje
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5. Koprsko primorjeno |
Koprsko primorje means coastal region in Koper. That region has the most mediterranean features in Slovenia. Sometime Koprosko promorje further decides into Slovenska istra and Slovenska obala.
As you see, most parts of Istra island is Croatian territory, but Slovenia still has beautiful towns like Koper, Izola, and Piran in Istra.
Koprsko primorje has also short coastal line and hills which is made by impermeable sandstone in far from towns. There is good transportation system and many population in coastal region, and industry, agriculture, shop business are active. From Strunjan, which is near Piran, you can see high hills
After the First World War, Primorska region became Italian territory, but after the Second World War,
After the First World War, Primorska region became Italian territory, but after the Second World War,
Italian people who lived in Primoska region moved to Italy, then Slovene and Croatian people started to move to this region. Still Italian minorities live in Primorska region, and they are guaranteed the equal right as Slovenian people have. So Primorska region's official language is Slovene and Italian. In the school, students study Italian language, and the signs on the road are written by Slovene and Italian language.
Because of Luka Koper, coastal region developed economy quickly after the war. Koper has big port, and is also major transit town towards Izola and Piran. As I mentioned many times, tourism is the important industry in Primorska region. Portorož became only luxury resort in Slovenia.
Because of Luka Koper, coastal region developed economy quickly after the war. Koper has big port, and is also major transit town towards Izola and Piran. As I mentioned many times, tourism is the important industry in Primorska region. Portorož became only luxury resort in Slovenia.
In Koprsko primorje fish industry and salt pan are developed. However, Slovenia imports seafood from other countries, because there is small coastal line. Today cultivation of fish and shell started.
There were many salt pans in Slovenia, but in fact, salt is not produced from salt pan. Now only Sturnjan and Sečovlje have salt pans, and still salt is produced.
Further, wine and olive oil are also produced. Mostly Slovenia produces white wine, but red wine, Teran and Refošk are famous.
Vipavska dolina
In this region, Ajdovščina and Nova Gorica are important industrial town. Compare to other Primorska region, there are flat lands, espeically wine industry is active. In my opinion, white wine in Vipavska dolina is fantastic! My friend comes from this region, and I tried white whine that her cousin makes. Such wine does not contain preservatives, so it is almost impossible hangover. ;)
Goriška brda
Here fruit farming and wine buisiness are popular. For long time, transportation had cut off to the important industrial town Nova Gorica, but today, access to other important cities got open after negotiation with Italy. Now there is small border at the top of mountain Sobotin.
Reka river, which cretaed Škocjan cave, flows in this region.
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photo 6. Goriška brda |
Reka river, which cretaed Škocjan cave, flows in this region.
Feature of Karst Region
Karst says in Slovene, Kras. If Kras in the case of first letter is written by capital letter means plateau made by limestones between Trieste bay and Vipavska dolina. Once scientists wrote "karst" with small letter in the wide meaning to explain the place where has feature of Kras region. Later, the place has karst feature became called "Kras" (karst) Now "Kras" is used or translated in all language in the world but it is not known that Slovenia named first karst.
So, if you see word "Kras", (starts from capital letter), it means that Kras region in Primorska region. If it is written with small latter, it means general karst region, which consists of limestone or similar one, and river disappears from the surface of soil, and caves, so on...
Former put out rocks from the soil and cultivated land for farming. They made stone fence by rocks and we can still see these in the forest region. However it means most of farming place is abandoned.
Kras has red soil. It call in Slovene, Jerovica、while in Italian, Terra rossa. It is impossible to be made such red soil without limestone. The reason is that rainwater dissolves carbon from calcium carbonate in limestone, and then silicate remain in the soil. .As the result, red clour remain in the
Jerovica suits for make wine trees. The famous wine is Teran. Its tasty red wine. Prosciutto made by Kras is also tasty!!!! You do not need to go Italy or Spain for prosciutto!
So, if you see word "Kras", (starts from capital letter), it means that Kras region in Primorska region. If it is written with small latter, it means general karst region, which consists of limestone or similar one, and river disappears from the surface of soil, and caves, so on...
How is Slovenian Karst Region?
Kras region encompases to Slavnik mountain region and has lot of limestones in the soil. It is also feature that the region is covered by forest. The big town in this region is Sežana which is located near Italy.Former put out rocks from the soil and cultivated land for farming. They made stone fence by rocks and we can still see these in the forest region. However it means most of farming place is abandoned.
Kras has red soil. It call in Slovene, Jerovica、while in Italian, Terra rossa. It is impossible to be made such red soil without limestone. The reason is that rainwater dissolves carbon from calcium carbonate in limestone, and then silicate remain in the soil. .As the result, red clour remain in the
7. Jerovica。 |
Jerovica suits for make wine trees. The famous wine is Teran. Its tasty red wine. Prosciutto made by Kras is also tasty!!!! You do not need to go Italy or Spain for prosciutto!
In the end...
Primorska region is for gastronomers, because there are high quality of salt, wine, olive oil, proscuitto, and seafood. Warm temperature and view of coast are also amazing. You may feel Italian vibe.
Except the winter season, sightseeing in Primorska region will be amazing. You can swim in the summer, and enjoy fantastic view. I would like you to enjoy the pretty towns and food without any concern for time,,, and cost ;)
- Snegačnek, Drobnjak, Otič "Živim v Sloveniji" p126