Slovenia has 20,273㎢, in facet it is the same size like SHIKOKU in Japan. In Europe the twelfth smallest country, but it could be divided around 200 municipalities.
As each country has the way to divide areas, Slovenia has it too. The most interesting thing is that there are two types of dividing, historically and geographically.
Today I will explain the historical partition.
Actually, Habsburg Monarchy, later renamed Avstria=Hungary, named and termed the regions. From the 14th century, today's Slovenian territory was occupied by Habsburg Monarchy.
Slovenian people call their people by the region, like Primorska people(primorci), Gorenska people(gorenci), Štajerska people(štajerci). Depends on the regions, there were many dialects, thus Slovenian people can know where he/she comes from by listening the conversation.
The morst interesting thing, however, is there is no official border to devide into the regions, therefore the border line is ambiguous. For example, Vipava, where is a famous region for wine, is termed Notoranska region by the old definition, however now Vipava is primorska region.
There is a yellow part near Štajerska region, it calls Koroška.
Currently Slovenia is divided into like below.
1. Primorska
2a Gorenska
2b Notoranska
2c Dorenska
3 Koroška
4 Štajerska
5 Prekmurje
Now we will check from the first region.
The main and important towns in the region are Koper, Piran, Portorož, Izola, and Idrja.
The main and important towns in the reion are Jesenice, Bled, Kranj (Gorenjska), Novo mesto, Črnomelj, Kočevje, (Dolenjska) , Postojna (Notoranjska). There are many famous tourist places!!
The main and important towns in the region are Maribor (the second largest city in Slovenia), Celje, Velenje, and Ptuj.
As each country has the way to divide areas, Slovenia has it too. The most interesting thing is that there are two types of dividing, historically and geographically.
Today I will explain the historical partition.
Historical Partition
We often hear the historical term of partition in daily conversation. For exapmle somebody asks others "Where are you from?". Then he answers "from ~ region". We hear often from news program, radio, and tourism information too. Mainly the regions are divided into six! Look the below.
- Gorenjska
- Dolenjska
- Notoranjska
- Štajerska
- Primorska
- Prekmurje
Photo1 : オーストリアの区分。現代はまた異なる区分になっています。 |
Actually, Habsburg Monarchy, later renamed Avstria=Hungary, named and termed the regions. From the 14th century, today's Slovenian territory was occupied by Habsburg Monarchy.
Slovenian people call their people by the region, like Primorska people(primorci), Gorenska people(gorenci), Štajerska people(štajerci). Depends on the regions, there were many dialects, thus Slovenian people can know where he/she comes from by listening the conversation.
The morst interesting thing, however, is there is no official border to devide into the regions, therefore the border line is ambiguous. For example, Vipava, where is a famous region for wine, is termed Notoranska region by the old definition, however now Vipava is primorska region.
There is a yellow part near Štajerska region, it calls Koroška.
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Photo2: This is current map of historical region. |
1. Primorska
2a Gorenska
2b Notoranska
2c Dorenska
3 Koroška
4 Štajerska
5 Prekmurje
Now we will check from the first region.
1. Primorska
Primorska and western part of Notoranjska region were annexed by Kingdom of Italy, and other Notoranjska region was annexed by Kingdom of Yugoslavia (the First Yugoslavia) Therefore, Postojna was also a part of Italy. (It is really complexed ;( )The main and important towns in the region are Koper, Piran, Portorož, Izola, and Idrja.
2. Krajnska(2a Gorenjska、2b Notoranjska、2c Dolenjska)
As you see, Krajnska region consists of Gorenjska, Notoranjska, and Dolenjska regions. In the regions, Slovenian people had lived from long time years ago.The main and important towns in the reion are Jesenice, Bled, Kranj (Gorenjska), Novo mesto, Črnomelj, Kočevje, (Dolenjska) , Postojna (Notoranjska). There are many famous tourist places!!
3. Koroška
Koroška region extends over Austria too, so officially, Slovenina part of Koroška is Slovenian Koroška , while Austrian Koroška is Austrian Koroška. There were German speakers in the region and after the First World War, the region was annexed by the first Yugoslavia.
The main and important towns in the reion are Slovenj Gradec and Ravna na Koroškem.
4. Štajerska
Štajerska region had also many German speakers, and then like Koroška region, it was annext by the First Yugoslavia after the First World War. Slovenian famous lager beer, Laško was born in the region!!!The main and important towns in the region are Maribor (the second largest city in Slovenia), Celje, Velenje, and Ptuj.
5. Prekmurje
Other regions are infulenced by Austrian side, however the region was infulenced by Hungary side. Therefore, people in Prekmurje's Slovene language sounds like not Slovene, but other new language! From 1588to 1688 the region was under the Ottoman Empire, and after the First World War, the region was annexed by the First Yugoslavia.
The main and important towns in the region are Lendava and Murska Sobota.
Now everybody thinks where is the capital city of Slovenia? According to the trandional historical region, Ljubljana is located the border between Gorenjska and Dolenjska regions. Ljubljana is located in the centre of Slovenia!
Next, we look the region of geographical term.
- Živimo v Sloveniji : Georgrafija za 8. razred osnovne šole 14p