The Petofi Circle and the Association of Hungarian University and College Union (MEFESZ) are important organization. The Petofi Ciecle published "ten points", while the MEFESZ published the "six-teen points." Mainly their requirements were similar. 1) Imre Nagy should be a new leader in Hungarian government 2) Soviet armies should get away from Hungary 3) The government should establish new economic policy 4) The government should guarantee equal right and justice. First, students began demonstration on 23 October, 1956 to demand radio building to broadcast their points. However director refused their requests. Soon, AVH began to attack. Immediately the demonstration turned to revolution. Soviet army continued to attack in Budapest. On 28 October, the Soviet army stopped attack, then Nagy established a new government. However, when he knew that the Soviet army would come to attack in Budapest again, he sent a message to the UN on 1st November. In a message,...